The abuse culture in Ugandan employment
If you lived in a desert, a place
where finding a liter of water is the equivalent of finding a tonne of gold, you
would probably look at water differently from someone that lives by the lake.
Your tolerance for algae, pebbles or even mud in your water would be much
higher than the one who knows all they have to do is walk three meters to find
it. This is the same way the employment culture is in Uganda. I’m not talking
about the one percent whose parents own firms and businesses so they are guaranteed
employment no matter what. Neither am I talking about the other one percent who
through relatives in influential positions are able to jump to the front of any
application process. I’m also not referring to the law of the jungle where the
strong survive and the weak are destroyed. I’m talking about the remaining
majority, the ordinary Ugandan who, after struggling through an average of
sixteen years of school, an unpaid internship, one or two voluntary positions,
and most probably a few more months of sitting at home unemployed, has finally
landed an entry job in a small company somewhere.
You would like to think they have
made it. They have beaten the odds, and they have. However, the end of the
journey of the anxiety of applying for numerous jobs, is the beginning of
another journey of putting up with almost daily psychological, emotional and
sometimes physical or sexual abuse. Even though we have an Employment act, we
are still very far behind adequate representation of employees in Uganda. And
because jobs are like water in a desert, you put up with all the algae, mud and
pebbles generously poured into your water because not only will someone else
take the dirty water if you don’t, you also have no idea where the next cup of
water will come from if you let this one go.
You put up with your boss’ wife
as she loudly threatens to fire you in front of all your colleagues because she
thinks you are trying to steal her husband. Somehow the fact that she is having
a bad morning should be explanation enough for you.

You put up with a colleague
continually harassing you over a report you made that they want to copy, and
even though you’re not comfortable with him xeroxing the work you spent days
working on, you cannot say no because he is a brother to your C.E.O.
You put up with baby-sitting your
supervisor’s children because it’s a rite of passage for any one in your
position looking to climb the corporate ladder. Besides, that’s the only way
you get invited to the exclusive parties at their house. Every one that came
before you knows that!
You put up with having no health
insurance or mandatory retirement fund because at least you have a job, despite
the fact that half of the field assignments you are sent to involve you risking
your life each time because you are coming from Kampala to Entebbe using a
You put up with everyone turning
to look at you during Administration meetings because the chairperson would like
some tea and you are the only woman in the room.
You put up with watching all your
opportunities to attend workshops or trainings given to the junior associate
that plays golf with the boss.
But mostly, you put up with the
daily psychological harassment of being constantly reminded that your employers
are doing you a favor by having employed you and if you feel like you cannot
handle the “way things are”, you’re free to leave at any time.
You have no power. You have no
peace. You have no security. You have nothing to protect you or your rights as
an employee. You’re stressed out, anxious and over-worked. If you dare bring this up with others, you're told that you're a 'millennial' and this is nothing but entitlement; that your parents and ancestors were able to do more with less in worse conditions. So you sip on that
mud-colored, algae-ridden, pebble-filled water every day anyway until either
you’re lucky enough to find a better oasis or the water poisons you and kills
Now I know that it’s more complex
than I make it sound, and there is a corporate network of strings that would
take eternity to untangle. I am aware that not all organisations are that way
(mine inclusive- currently super happy at work!). But I didn’t always
work here. I’ve had my fair share of that abuse. I know a lot of people that
are dealing with issues like this and bigger every day at their places of work,
and there is literally NOTHING they can do about it. Just because it's the way it's been done for centuries, does not make it right.
I wish I had a number you can
call, or a Union to link these victims up with. I wish I could tell you that
you can easily sue and get compensated for all your trouble, but I would be lying. What I can tell
you is the culture of abuse by a majority of Ugandan employers is real and it’s
affecting many more lives than you can imagine. If you're in a position to do better as a colleague, employer, or business owner, now is the time to act.
*tears* we have a long way to go. *more tears*
ReplyDeleteWe really do. Sigh.
DeleteA very accurate account!! Probably why people are always looking for 'clearer waters'
ReplyDeleteHaha clearer waters...