As I walked around
in the quiet, I came across a friendly firefly. I reached out for it and was
both pleased and surprised to see that it did not fly away or hide in fear. So I
took the firefly in. I told it all my secret hopes and dreams. My fears and anxieties,
I told it about all that I was ashamed of, and all that I was proud of. And it
seemed the more I talked, the brighter it glowed. So I talked a little more, and
it glowed a little more. And then it was already dark. And the firefly had to
return to its home up in heaven amongst the stars. So we said our goodbyes and I
watched it fly away. Up, up, up to where it belonged. And though I do not
always see it, I know it’s there. Up and above with all my dreams and longings.
And me. I simply wait.
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