In a nutshell.      
Today as I watched this movie about motherhood, a particular quote caught my attention. ”There is no try, there is only do and do not” - Uma Thurman, motherhood. Apart from the very important lesson that these simple words taught me, the whole movie once again reminded me of  the things that really matter in life; family, true friends, helping the helpless and living each day like it’s your last. Doing those things that,   if today was your last day, you would do. Obviously this got me thinking about what those things were for me and I was pleasantly surprised by what I found out.   
                    I would love my family, kiss my nephews and nieces all the time, give my lunch to the hopeless man that sits by the corner, take a stroll on the beach, hold my boyfriend close and talk to God. I would call up all those people I haven’t heard from in such a long time. I would swallow my pride and be the first to apologize to that particular person that upset me. I would eat my favorite vanilla ice-cream and chocolate tiffany candy, listen to my c.d, and wear what makes me comfortable. I would watch the sunset and play in the rain, and talk about all my deepest fears. I would visit my best friend of all time, and thank her for changing my life in the most unexpected way. I would be proud to be me. And then I asked myself, why am I not doing that now?? What is stopping me? Nothing. Nothing at all! ………..                            


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