What's on replay already on my playlist

No, its not too early to be feeling the christmas spirit. To be honest, I've been counting down since say...May. I know you would like to think that being excited about the season is for children and that the older you grow, the more like-any-other-day it becomes. For me, it's the opposite. You know how they say there is a little child inside of every one of us, my little inner child comes out during Christmas; and she is a happy, giddy, dance-all-over-the-place kind of girl.

If you asked me about what it is exactly that makes me excited, i'll give you four good reasons why;
1. Jesus died for us (Surely I don't have to explain this but if you need some more info on this, I'm willing to take you through it)
2. There's just something warm and fun and pure about christmas.(Think hugs, pies, hot chocolatey drinks, warm clothes, presents, smiles etc)
3. We get to stay home (If you work, then I don't have to say anything else)
4. Hope; If you lost everything else but kept your hope, there's no stopping you. Christmas is all about hope, about reconciliation and starting over, about believing for better things. 

So here's what's already on replay on my video playlist; my five favorite christmas songs this year.

1. One more sleep -Leona Lewis
I got hooked on this song while I was in a long distance relationship and it's stuck with me ever since. I particularly love everything about the video.

One more sleep

2. So this is Christmas- Celine Dion
This one is more of a reflective song for me. It makes me want to sit back [ preferably with a cup of something in my hand :-)] and look back at the year that just passed and all the great memories made. Making it through another year is not something you should take lightly

So this is Christmas

3. All I want for christmas - Mariah Carey
This is a christmas love song. It's bubbly and playful and fun and happy; the way I figure love should be. It's a bit old and I'm sure there are newer versions but I'm an old soul...

All I want for Christmas

4. Have yourself a merry little christmas- Michael Buble
This may not be my most favorite version but after number 3, you may want something slow and smooth to calm you down.

Have yourself a merry little christams

5. White Christmas
This one is for hoping. We have all seen those movies from countries with snow, with gigantic christmas trees decorated extravagantly. The people wear cute winter green and red clothes and start a nice fire. Yes, I'm a dreamer and probably a romantic too this time of the year but a girl can wish, right? When I finally get to have a white christmas, then I'll take this off my list.

White Christmas


  1. Thanks for adding to the Christmas spirit Kullein, I love to sing white Christmas but I am happy having an East African Christmas with sunshine. tehehehe :)

    1. Hahahaha You're welcome. It's only because you've had a good number of the white Christmases...

  2. I see you are still using our Christmas playlist


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